Disclaimer: We believe in the free exchange of information. Posting a link on this page does not mean we agree or disagree with any of the information on the sites. Indeed, while there is some material we find valuable at each link, the reader must study it in light of the fact that we are simply desiring to give as much information as possible. We might not agree with much of the material at these sites and we acknowlegde that the creators of these sites might not agree with us.
These studies are focused on the doctrine of the Godhead, and in particular looking at Jesus MESSIAH. This is an area of study that has become a very hot topic in recent years. For this reason we present these studies for you to look at, and study to reach your own conclusions about the Godhead.
Each person of the Godhead has the same essence, hence, God is described as one (like in 1 John 5:7); however they are distinct as individuals. "There is unity within the Godhead. But there is also plurality: threeness. This does not mean that God is one and three in the same sense; that would be contradictory. God is one in one sense: essence, and three in another sense: persons.